Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Medicinal Products (ATMP) Vector Manufacturing

This programme is run in conjunction with NIBRT (National Institute for Biopharmaceutical Research and Training), with many of the lecturers and guest lecturers from NIBRT. At the start of 2022, IDA Ireland confirmed a €21 million capital investment in NIBRT to enable the construction, equipping and staffing of a 1,800m2 extension which will focus on research and training in the manufacture of advanced therapies. Construction of this NIBRT Advanced Therapies building extension.

Accordion / FAQ component

The programme is open to students who have completed a minimum of a 2.2 Honours Level 8 degree in a Science or Engineering subject related to the life sciences. Other candidates with alternative honours degrees and experience in the ATMP industry may apply for consideration (typically 5 years duration in a GMP environment). The entry requirements will encompass recognition of prior accredited learning in other third level institutions, in accordance with ATU procedures.

RPL is a process that may allow you to gain admission to a programme or to receive exemptions / credit from some parts of a programme based on demonstrated learning that you may have achieved through another programme of study or through your work and career. Further information is available through which our dedicated RPL portal or by contacting our admissions team at

English requirement
Applicants whose first language is not English should provide evidence of English language proficiency. For further information on English language requirements click here


NIBRT established the Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Forum in 2018, which comprises stakeholders from across industry, academic researchers and government agencies, with the aim of making Ireland a global leader for the development, manufacture, supply and adoption of advanced therapies and novel vaccines (NIBRT Annual Report, 2022).

The programmes seek to enhance graduate employability by building in elements of case studies, group work, simulated problem solving, examples in context, and use of guest lecturers where feasible and appropriate. Modules such as Biocontamination, Cell Processing and Research methods enhance employability, as they are very transferable across sectors and do not limit students to specific roles. Key learning opportunities for students will be to apply their knowledge gained through the course to real workplace problems in real time, thus enhancing their skills and employability.

Learn from world renowned academic staff in Ireland’s leading, future focused and globally recognised colleges.

Gain an accredited NFQ qualification/micro credential that you may count towards a full award if you so wish in the future.

Previous modules may be used as recognition of prior learning towards Advance Centre degree programmes.

Equip yourself with the latest in demand skillset, tools, know-how and knowledge to succeed in your career.

Gain a competitive edge, influence growth and steer strategic goals in your organisation upon completion of your studies with the Advance Centre.

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