Training Workshop on Inclusive XR: Advances in Extended Reality and Educational Technology

Advance Centre for Professional Education supports Training Workshop on Inclusive XR: 
Advances in Extended Reality and Educational Technology  with Dr Zi Siang 

The training programme will take place in UCD Innovation Academy and ATU Sligo

ATU Sligo event details:

Where: Room E1010, ATU Sligo 

When:  Extended Reality (XR): Recent Advances in Education ,Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:00 - Thu, 13 Jun 2024

Registration via Eventbrite HERE

UCD event details:

When: Inclusive XR 1.5 days Training Workshop: 17-18 June 2024  (in person only, no hybrid offering)

Where: Innovation Academy, Shackleton Lounge, Room H0.64, Science Building, UCD Belfield Campus

Registration via Eventbrite:  here

Overview of the  training programme:

In this training workshop (short programme), we will present and discuss a number of
education technology and extended reality (XR) projects and use cases, primarily focused on multidisciplinary research in simulation learning in the contexts of the STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Maths) and HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) educational domains.

Artistled innovation and inclusive design inform our approach to these examples. Virtual Reality (VR)
technology simulates real-world scenarios in an immersive digital environment, while Augmented
Reality (AR) usually provides a hybrid user experience by combining digital elements with realworld contexts. AR and VR in the education technology space have been used extensively for
various research-creation contexts and serious games applications. These include educational
training, digital heritage, digital tourism, manufacturing, real estate, and medical and health
sciences simulation. The ongoing development of emerging technologies continues to provide
educators and learners with opportunities to develop skills as end-users of the technologies and
as creators of future technologies. However, more research is needed to investigate how extended
reality technologies can be introduced in the teaching and learning context in terms of technical
requirements and user experience aspects, especially in making digital technologies content
accessible and inclusive.
This training workshop will be suitable for educators, learning designers, pre-service
teachers, academic researchers, graduate candidates, students and members of the community.
In this session, we will look at some featured collaborative projects and discuss future research
possibilities. A number of demo prototypes will be available on-site, and participants will be able to
experience some of these education technology and XR projects. During the 2-day workshop,
participants will learn how Virtual Reality 360 (VR360) content can be created and how to create
playable experiences using Unity Engine.




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